twilightang3l on DeviantArt

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twilightang3l's avatar




gryphon for dot... you said you liked the one where it was laying down. Couldn't think of anything original so all I did was use the reference you gave me from [link] ... and redrew it more simple. I still think the wings arn't right yet :( and the back legs too :shrug: please let me know if you want anything changes or somthing more original... but for now this is all I have :sniff:

The original link isn't available anymore. So here's a different reference: [link]
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1070x494px 241.55 KB
© 2003 - 2024 twilightang3l
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nikita666's avatar
am I allowed to use this art for a flag I need to make for a costume. it's just for the costume. would be really nice. In moment I'm not sure what animal to use, but this would fit great.